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DIY Heart Garland – Easy Valentine’s Day Craft

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DIY heart garland is a simple way to add a touch of Valentine’s Day to your home.

Today’s post is a fun one. a group of my fellow blogging friends, and I have each chosen a Valentine’s Day DIY to share with you.  Everyone will be linked at the end of this post so you can easily check out what they worked on. 

Heart Garland

I’ve never been one to decorate for Valentine’s Day. Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind. This year, however, I have thought about it quite a bit. After Christmas was over, all the decorations were taken down and packed away until next year, my home was feeling a bit empty. Don’t get me wrong I am enjoying the simplicity of my everyday decor very much but, a little pop of  Valentine’s Day decor seems perfect.

I found a bunch of fantastic and easy DIYs that are perfect for Valentine’s day on Pinterest of course.  Make sure to check out my recent DIY post on how to make  Coffee Filter Flowers

My plan is to share a few of my favorite DIYs once I actually complete them. For now, though, I’m sharing with you this DIY heart garland I made. Not only is it downright adorable, but it is also so stinking easy to complete.

Follow along with this step by step tutorial on how to create your own  DIY Heart Garland

Supplies needed:

♥ String – I used gray yarn, twine, and a twine mix 
♥ cardboard
♥ tape
♥ scissors
♥ heart pattern – Download your FREE Heart Stencil

Step 1

Print and cut out your heart stencil. I’m using a stencil because  I can’t draw a straight line if I try. In other words, I can’t draw a lick, so the stencil was the smartest way to go for me. If you can draw a perfect heart, I envy you.

Originally, I was planning on using cardstock, but I found it to be way too flimsy. I switched to cardboard, which seemed to be much more stable. 

cardboard heart

I decided to make my garland smaller, so I only used five hearts.

Step 2

Grab the string and a piece of tape and tape the string to the heart. This secures the string for when you start wrapping.

Step 3

Begin wrapping your heart. There’s no real rhyme or reason here, just wrap away. Wrap in any and every direction until the heart is completely covered by the string.  Once fully covered, tie off the end and secure it, I simply just tied a little knot. You can even just tuck the end of the string in behind the others. 

Step 4

Continue wrapping the remainder of your heart cutouts.

Step 5

Now, it’s time to string them all together. Cut a piece of string the length you want your diy heart garland to be. Set up the order you want your hearts to be in (I forgot to do things and had to pull them all off the string because they were out of order).To string them, take your garland piece and pull it through and under any string that is in the middle of the heart.

diy heart garland

Step 6

Secure your hearts in place. to do this, I cut a small piece of string and tied a knot at the top of each heart. 

diy heart garland
diy heart garland

Step 7

Hang your garland. I decided to hang mine in my kitchen on my DIY shiplap wall. 

diy heart garland

You can now make your own DIY heart garland. Was that easy or what? My favorite thing about these DIY projects is that you can tailor them to your liking. For example, you can make the hearts as tiny or as large as you wish and use any color string. There are so many ways to personalize this project for yourself.  

Don’t forget to check out what these talented beauties created down below!  

My DIY list just got a little bit longer. 

Victoria – The Home Envy

 Instagram – @thehomeenvy

I love how Victoria created this book stack! It’s so gorgeous and looks better than any store bought ones I’ve seen! 


Dani – The Taborhood

Instagram – @thetaborhood

Dani’s DIY map is gorgeous and such a genius idea. It makes for such a thoughtful gift!

Kayleigh –  Rusty Barn Blog

Instagram – @rustybarnblog

Kayleigh created this gorgeous wreath! I love all the little details she added. This is a beautiful DIY that you can really customize to what you like. 

Valentines day Garland

Robyn – Robyn Harry Designs

Instagram – @robynsreverie

Robyn’s heart banner is amazing! She shows you all the steps to recreate this beauty easily. I can’t wait to give this one a try!

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Saturday 9th of February 2019

This is such a cute idea!! I absolutely love it!!! You are so talented!! ~Emily

Dori Turner

Thursday 31st of January 2019

Such a cute idea! I’ll have try this out!


Thursday 31st of January 2019

This looks great Cate! Such a fun project!

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